Dogs as Pets!

Do you all love dogs as pets?

A great campion for all of us.

Best friend too.

Gives us big and tight hugs.

Have a strong sense to smell things.

Helpful in every way for us.

Kisses us from head to toe.

Loyal to us.

They are cute and playful too.

One of the most loving pets also.

Never makes us feel lonely in life.

Protects us all from any danger.

Sleeps with us in our bed in the bedroom.

Do you all agree with this?

Tolerating is Not Easy!

Sometimes tolerating is not easy in life.

No matter how much we try to control our emotions, to not come out.

They do flow like a long river.

Why can’t we get a hold of them, we just do not understand do we?

There are different kinds of people around us that don’t like what we do and that makes us really sad.

Tolerance in life is difficult when we are in a phase of giving up on everything and we get tired very much.

Is there any way we could figure out a solution so that tolerance becomes a bit easier for all of us?

Most of our lives are challenging & tougher and we don’t get what we want so easily but that’s life all about. Isn’t it?

So let’s make ourselves stronger today,

To believe that we can get through everything and tolerate in moderate terms and not let people take any disadvantages of us and pass their silly judgments also!

How is your tolerance level everyone?

Do you all agree to this or not?

Grateful for Everything!

There is nothing important than feeling grateful for everything in our lives.

Every moment brings laughter and happiness to us.

We should be thankful for small things because they make us happy and realize how blessed we are in the world!

Cold & Chilly Breeze!

How does the cold and chilly breeze feel?

It is a great day today.

The wind is cold and chilly.

All birds are talking in their language.

People are at the beach.

Suddenly a cold and chilly breeze comes and blows up their hair.

Making them shiver and giving them all goosebumps.

This weather is truly beautiful and lovely to create memories on the beach for lifetime!

What do you all think about this?

Don’t be Scared!

How many of you are scared in the life?

I have created an acronym for the word, “scared.”

S- Showing your strengths to the world not your weaknesses.

C- Challenges come in life to destroy us but we should be strong enough to fight them.

A- Accepting hardships is difficult but not impossible.

R- Relying on others helps you very much and it cools you down too.

E- Everyone judges you so what you should never be afraid to give your opinions.

D- Dealing with all your problems alone is not the best solution always so it’s best to speak up and never hesitate to ask for any kind of help from someone!

Do you all relate with me on this or not?

Make Your Focus Clear!

Focusing on things is important just like eating and drinking are essential in the life.

Making right career choices are vital too.

Investing your energy and time are worth it.

Instead of just wasting them doing nothing.

Don’t be lazy and make your focus clear so that people can be proud of you!

Do you all agree with me on that?

Stop Being Stubborn!

Why can’t we stop being stubborn in life?

These days we are being stubborn in different situations in our lives.

We get so irritated if things don’t go according to our plan.

Feels like nothing is going perfectly in our lives if we don’t get the right things just the way we want and wish for.

Everyone gets annoyed by our stubbornness because we don’t get convinced with them easily.

Sometimes it’s all in our genes and sometimes it’s not in our hands at all.

Being stubborn will not take us anywhere in our life and it destroys all our relationships because our behaviors matter when we interact with others.

So just stop being stubborn!

Eagerness in Life!

What is like being eager for something in life?

Eagerness comes to us in a certain stage in life when we don’t know how we can achieve everything that we want in our lives.

It is a strong desire to obtain that specific goal in our life no matter what and how.

Life throws many obstacles at us that make it impossible to reach our destinations but we should be determined and be eager to make great accomplishments and make the whole world see what we are capable of doing.

This is what eagerness means to me!

Eagerness is wanting something so badly in life that makes us feel frustrated at times.

Feeling irritated because of that.

Make us think of different ways of accomplishing our dreams.

Being eager in life makes all things possible.

It’s creating a positive lifestyle as well.

Do you all agree to these five points?

Magic of Healing to Heart & Soul!

Do you all believe in the magic of healing?

Healing is a way to protect ourselves & others and pray that we all have a good and healthy life.

We can create positivity all around us with the power of healing.

It has special ways to be done and if we follow them correctly we can get over many challenges and struggles that occur in our lives.

Helps us a lot when we do it with full confidence and faith also.

Brings us all peace too.

It also satisfies our heart and soul.

The magic of healing does many wonders in our lives and if we keep on doing it, we will see great results definitely no doubts about that!

Do you all agree with me on this? Share your opinions.