Being Curious!

Sometimes there are experiences and moments that make us curious about certain things. We want to know everything about them no matter what. For instance, waiting for the job interview reply or for keeping us hold from work.

When we don’t get these answers, we get curious, and we think about several things what could actually go wrong. Our patience gets tested as well and we become irritated about the situation too.

Things to Stop Curiosity

  1. Divert your mind to something else!
  2. Stop overthinking about everything!
  3. Wait until you jump to the conclusion!
  4. Don’t be so eager to get to the solution by yourself!
  5. Don’t lose your patience!
  6. Talk it out to someone because speaking out helps!
  7. Ask as many questions as you want to!

These simple seven steps will aid you to deal with your curiosity and it will make a difference in your life as well.

Nothing comes with a Guarantee!

Having a guarantee is important because it makes you feel secure and safe wherever you are. We feel peaceful when we get a guarantee for everything. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work this way!

In life nothing is guaranteed though,

Whether it is our growth in career or in personal life,

We think that we can keep going as we like to,

but we don’t know that nothing is in our hands,

It all depends on God’s will,

What He does is the best for all of us, but we forget this and blame God for everything.

There are so many questions that we have in our mind,

That we can’t get the answers for,

We wish that everything had come with a guarantee,

Then our lives will be sorted out,

Everything would be crystal clear!

Letting Go!

Why letting go is hard for all of us?

Why can’t we just be happy with what we have?

Why do we expect more than what we have already?

These are some questions that come to our mind when we think of letting go. Letting go sounds much easier than doing it, doesn’t it? However, we all know that thinking about things that we have no control over doesn’t do anything, but we still can’t help letting them go no matter how hard we try. Wish there were a solution where we forget all our worries and just let go like that.

Letting go is not something that can be done overnight. It takes lots of courage and patience too. Sometimes, we just have to wait for the right time to let it go because time is the best medicine to heal what is broken apart.

Accepting Ourselves!

Each human being is different and special in their own way. We should accept ourselves as we are no matter what. Life throws many opportunities at us, and we should know what is good for us. There is struggle in life and no one’s life is perfect.

Many times, we find it hard to accept ourselves and console that everything is going to work out and we would be happy with it. We are never satisfied with life no matter what we do, and we always want more.

Things that are helpful in accepting ourselves.

  • Be happy with what we have!
  • Believing in ourselves that we are capable!
  • Some things can’t change no matter how much we try!
  • Accepting our weaknesses!
  • Changing to becoming a better person!

Unexpected News!

Sometimes in life when we feel like everything is going right and smoothly,

Suddenly, we get to hear an unexpected news,

Why does life treat us this way?

It is hard to understand,

Isn’t it?

We think we know it all but,

In reality we know nothing at all,

There is no clue that something is coming our way,

Wished there is an indication that could alert us before a news heading our way,

In the end, we all want everything to work out in life for us no matter how!